Month: February 2016


    1893 Pemerintah Hindia Belanda mendirikan Percetakan Negara di Jakarta, pada waktu itu yang terbesar di Asia. Sementara itu di seluruh Indonesia sudah terdapat 6500 percetakan, 2700 di antaranya terdapat di Jakarta. Industri grafika dan dunia penerbitan di Indonesia pada waktu itu sudah mulai menyadari pentingnya desain grafis. Laribu Meyoko, sekretaris Percetakan Negara: “Mengapa desain itu…


    1744 Iklan pertama di Hindia Belanda: 17 Agustus 1744 Perintis tumbuhnya iklan di Hindia Belanda adalah Jan Pieterzoen Coen. Dia pendiri Batavia dan Gubernur Jenderal Hindia Belanda tahun 1619-1629. PPPI (Persatuan Perusahaan Periklanan Indonesia) mengakuinya sebagai tokoh periklanan pertama di Indonesia. Dalam masa pemerintahannya, ia mengirim berita ke pemerintah setempat di Ambon dengan judul Memorie De…


    1659 Mesin cetak pertama kali didatangkan ke Indonesia (Batavia) pada tahun 1659 Industri percetakan di wilayah Nusantara berkembang sejalan dengan penerbitan surat kabar dan buku yang diperkirakan berkembang sejak abad ke-17, ketika mesin cetak pertama kali di datangkan ke pulau Jawa pada tahun 1659. Karena tidak ada operatornya, mesin itu menganggur sampai berpuluh-puluh tahun. Tujuan…

  • Pioneers of the Art Nouveau, Chromolithography and the emergence of the modern poster and cigar box labels

    William Morris William Morris is considered as the father of modern graphic design. Morris, an idealist and a champion of socialist causes, was an artist, designer, printer, typographer, bookbinder, craftsman, poet, and writer. His art was emotional and mythical. He loved country-garden nature and medieval ideals of chivalry as well as the romantic attachment to…

  • How to Create an Effective Product Label

    by Mark Trumper Product labels describe a product as well as help it to stand out from competitors on the shelf. There are no set rules to follow when creating product labels and you have many choices in the layout, size, shape, colors and more. However, adhering to certain guidelines can certainly lead to a well-designed…

  • Art Nouveau (1890-1914)

    Introduction Art Nouveau was an innovative international style of modern art that became fashionable from about 1890 to the First World War. Arising as a reaction to 19th-century designs dominated by historicism in general and neoclassicism in particular, it promulgated the idea of art and design as part of everyday life. Henceforth artists should not…

  • 36 Awesome Android App Icon Designs

    So here it is… I am very slowly falling in love with Android. This romance is still in its early stages. I am still metaphorically stealing glances from afar, working my way up to my ‘big move’. You see, I have been having a lukewarm affair with iOS for some years now. Never an Apple…

  • The Groundbreaking of Telkom University Creative Center

    03 January 2016 Sekpim Telkom University BANDUNG, TEL-U – Again, Telkom University (Tel-U) complete the facilities to support the activities of Tri Dharma. This time the Telkom Foundation, a foundation that houses Tel-U began to build Telkom Building University Creative Center (TUCC). Construction of this facility began with groundbreaking carried out by a number of…

  • Lecturer Must Accommodate Students More Insight to Face MEA

    04 January 2016 Sekpim Telkom University BANDUNG, TEL-U – Vice Rector II Telkom University (Tel-U) Dra Djusnimar Zultilisna, Akt MBA invites lecturers to motivate students in order to improve the quality and innovation of the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC). “We have entered the year of 2016 when the MEA has already begun and certainly competitive…

  • Bachelor of Creative Art ( Visual Communication Design ) Telkom University

    Visual Communication Design (DKV) is the science that bridges the communication of a meaning through visual media. Among other applied disciplines through practical and theoretical learning, which can bring an understanding of the design directly from the experience of students. This department not only prepares students to obtain a degree in the field of design,…