Month: January 2016

  • How to design a top-quality icon

    Eugeniu Clim, interaction designer at ustwo, brings you a masterclass in icon design – including how to tackle the challenge of building upon an existing icon style like the agency did for the Tesco Hudl tablet. What does it take to create a good icon? Well, of course, for quick inspiration you could do a…

  • My Icon Design Process

    by Justas | Jul 14, 2015 | Articles A lot of you keep asking what does my working process is like, so I’ve decided to dedicate an entire article to my icon designing routine. Finished and polished icons sets look gorgeous and may seem to be so easy to create. Not even close! As it is…

  • Chapter- 1-2 : The Inception of Visual Communications in Ancient Egypt

    The Inception of Visual Communications in Ancient Egypt Wooden ushabti box and ushabtis of Pinedjem I. There is no doubt that ancient Egyptians were the originator of what is today defined as ‘visual communication design’. The Egyptian language of antiquity used the same word, sekh, to signify writing, drawing, and painting, and from the very…

  • Chapter- 1-1: The Birth of Graphic Design

      The “Spotted Horses” mural, painted by woman artists inside France’s Pech Merle cave dated 23 millennium BC is a fine example of the prehistoric graphic design. According to the analysis of Pennsylvania State University archaeologist Dean Snow many of the artists working in that cave were women. Until recently, most scientists assumed the prehistoric…

  • Prelude – 4 : A history of the Chinese Scribe

    The earliest examples of Chinese writing date to the late Shang period (ca. 1200 BC). These are the so-called Oracle Bone Inscriptions (jiaguwen) which were found at the site of the last Shang capital near present-day Anyang in Henan province.Later on the bronze inscriptions (jinwen) which were texts casted or carved into the surface of…

  • Prelude – 3 : A history of the Arabic alphabet

    Although after the birth of Islam in 7th century AD, Arabic inscriptions became prevalent in  the western and central Asia,  the origin of the Arabic script also goes back to the Phoenician alphabet, which a branch of it evolved into Aramaic, which evolved into Modern Hebrew and Nabataean. The Nabataeans, which established the kingdom of…

  • Prelude – 2 : A history of the Latin Alphabet

    The Latin alphabet is originated from the Etruscan alphabet, in the 7th century BC. The Etruscans themselves derived their alphabet from the Greek colonists in Italy, more specifically from the Cumae alphabet. The Ancient Greek alphabet was in turn based upon the alphabet of Phoenicians who were living on the coastal area of Lebanon, Palestine…

  • Prelude – 1 : In the Beginning – A History of Writing

    A Sumerian tablet with cylinder seal impression of a hunter with hunting dogs and boars. 3100-2900 BC. Uruk   A Sumerian Writing Tablet.   History of Writing   Since the primordial time, spoken words and pictures have intermingled with each otheras a means of communication . Humans have used words to paint pictures verbally, and…

  • Sejarah Mesopotamia: Sumeria, Babilonia, Assyria, Persia Mesopotamia

    Peradaban Mesopotamia meliputi Sumeria, Babilonia, Assyria, dan Persia. Sejarah Peradaban tua Mesopotamia berkembang di antara dua sungai besar, Euphrat dan Tigris, yang merupakan wilayah Irak sekarang. Kedua sungai tersebut berhulu di Pegunungan Armenia (sekarang Turki) dan mengalir ke arah tenggara menuju Teluk Persia. Kawasan yang meliputi kurang lebih enam ribu kilometer persegi tersebut memiliki kesuburan…

  • Teori dan Fakta WARNA

    Warna… setiap hari kita selalu melihat warna dan tanpa di sadari mata kita sudah terbiasa akan pemandangan yang berwarna dari lingkungan, bahkan saat kita melihat sesuatu yang kurang berwarna atau kusam mata kita sedikit terganggu, ini seperti sudah menjadi standar secara alami bahwa hal yang berwarna itu adalah normal dan yang kusam atau lusuh tidak berwarna itu sedikit…